Weather-related Closing Policy


To: Day Program Families, Residences, Price Center Staff, and Transportation Providers
From: Madeline Avilés-Hernández, CEO
Re: Weather-Related Program Closure Policy
Date: January 19, 2023

It is the policy of The Price Center’s Employment, Community-Based Day, Specialized Supports and Day
Habilitation programs to remain open regardless of local school closing schedules. Our programs will
continue to operate unless local or statewide conditions mandate that we cancel. Under certain
circumstances it is possible that our programs may remain open even if some DDS contracted
transportation is cancelled. In this case families or residential programs may choose to transport
individuals to The Price Center.

*Note* In the case of weather-related program closure, Residential Homes will remain fully operational.

The Price Center’s Employment, Community-Based Day, Specialized Supports and Day Habilitation
programs will close only under the following circumstances:

• When the Governor declares a “State of Emergency”.
• When road conditions are deemed unsafe for travel by the Price Center’s CEO, based on the
present conditions, forecast and recommendations from the local police and/or transportation
• If a storm hits during the day while individuals and staff are already at The Price Center, we may
close early if present and or forecast conditions are unsafe for travel. Individuals will not be
released early unless residences and families have been contacted and have been given permission.
It is the responsibility of the residences and families to be available in case of an early release.

Any family or residence may choose to have individuals remain at home or choose to pick them up early if
they feel that the local conditions are unsafe for travel. Please notify the Program Director if the
individual will not be coming to the program or to the community work site that day.

If the Price Center’s Employment, Community-Based Day, Specialized Supports and Day Habilitation
programs must cancel the program for the day, the storm closings will be announced on:

www.whdh.comThe Channel 7 News Website

There will also be a recorded message announcing the closing on The Price Center’s answering service at
(617)-244-0065. Please listen closely because it is possible The Price Center programs will be open but
that there would be no DDS transportation to the program sites.

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